How To Overwinter Rosemary (Indoors or Outdoors)

Rosemary is a fragrant, perennial, evergreen herb that adds delicious flavor to many recipes. It’s also one of the easiest herbs to grow, and growing herbs like rosemary is a simple way to start saving on your grocery bill (pound for pound, fresh herbs are very expensive). The only downsides of growing rosemary are that … Read more

Bok Choy Plants and Flowering (Q&A)

Bok choy is a versatile and fast-growing leafy green that’s as good fresh as it is in stir-fries, and it’s very quick to mature, giving you a harvest in as little as 6 weeks. But while bok choy is a fast grower, it’s unfortunately also fast to flower. If you notice your bok choy starting … Read more

Plant Hardiness Zones Explained (Guide & Examples)

Plant hardiness zones correspond to areas with different extreme minimum temperatures. Plant hardiness zones do not determine the length of your growing season, only the average extreme winter temperature.  In the northern hemisphere, generally the more north you go, the colder the extreme temperatures. However, this is not always the case. Mountainous areas will have … Read more

Can Sunflowers Be Transplanted? (Guide)

It’s commonly recommended that sunflowers should always be direct-sown. While you do get taller, stronger plants from directly sowing sunflowers, you can start them indoors and transplant them outside later. The main benefits of starting sunflowers indoors is to get a slight head start on the growing season and to avoid pests from eating your … Read more

Why Your Hydrangeas Are Losing or Changing Color (Q&A)

Hydrangeas are renowned for being relatively low maintenance, and having the ability to fill out garden spaces with vibrant blues, pinks, reds, and purples, as well as pearly whites. So, when your hydrangeas start changing color, or even worse, fading, it’s easy to think there’s something wrong with your plant.  The bad news is that … Read more

Should You Worry About Ants on Pepper Plants? (Q&A)

The more you garden, the more perceptive you are about pests on your plants. Anything that doesn’t look like a bee or a spider is a suspect. So when you see ants crawling on your pepper plants, it’s natural to be concerned. But are ants on your pepper plants always a bad sign? Fortunately, ants … Read more